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Case Study

Google Pixel 4 and Dominoes

Launch Campaign and Activation Content.

My Role and Responsibilities

Global Content Director
(Creative Director/Producer)

Film Direction
Production Oversight
Art Direction

Date: 2018/19
Agency: VMLY&R


For the launch of the all-new Pixel 4, Google wanted to take launch day hype out of the store and bring it straight to the fans bringing light to some awesome new hands free features.


To really showcase the new and relatively unknown hands free capabilities of the Google Pixel 4 with motionsense and Google assistant, we needed to show people just how helpful these features are.


For the launch of the Pixel 4, we teamed up with the delivery pros at Domino’s to reimagine the entire launch experience, serving up the Pixel 4 in a limited edition pizza box when ordering through Domino’s that gave new owners a delicious reason to test out the phone’s all-new hands-free features and show you how to set up your new phone..

We enlisted super fans, unboxers and celebs to showcase a new hands free experience in the new Google Pixel 4 - that no one could resist.


Brand Strategy, Film, Digital Focused Content, Photography, Design.


Over 1000 phones / pizzas were ordered through this limited opportunity, selling out.

10s of Millions of views on social through owned and influencer channels

Huge earned media response through major outlets

Case Study Film

The custom made Pizza box

'Pizza became the perfect marketing tool.'

- Fast Company